Thank you, Board Members!

You Made This Possible in 2022.
Help Us Do It Again in 2023.

ThinkerAnalytix’s capacity-building plan will continue to move us to self-sustainability. 

In 2023, to develop capacity, we will:

  • Develop new products;
  • Enhance and expand our technology suite, and;
  • Market to new audiences.

Below we share our progress from 2022, present the strategic investments we plan to make in the areas of product, technology, and marketing, and outline our key fundraising goals for 2022-2023.

Path to Sustainability

ThinkerAnalytix is seeing signs of financial sustainability through growth in revenue from our product offerings.

1 k
From One Deal

Over the 2022-2023 school year, Georgia State alone will bring in $50,000 in revenue by using How We Argue with almost 3,000 students.

1 X
Growth from 2020-2022

2020: $25,000
2021: $75,000
2022: $150,000
Our expenses have remained nearly identical over the last 3 years.

1 k
In Consistent Revenue

We have secured nearly $100,000 worth of commitments from instructors for calendar year 2023 to use How We Argue in their classrooms.

Our Numbers

1 k
Students & Instructors Registered
1 +

A 3-Part Approach to Growth

Over the next twelve months, ThinkerAnalytix staff will focus time and energy on three key areas. Strategic investments in each of them serves to grow our customer base and meet new audiences.

Each is necessary for sustainability– without any one of these, we cannot achieve efficient and sustainable growth:

1. Marketing – Investing in audience-specific online advertisements and attending conferences to promote existing and new products. Audiences include core curriculum Administrators and Professors, Professors of Education, and Pre-Law undergraduate students.

2. Product Development -Developing new, specialized modules for audiences that show interest in our approach and core offerings. These modules will focus on Pre-Law exam preparation and ethics.

3. Technology – Enhancing the user experience, improving efficiency, and professionalizing our products for wider audiences.

Marketing & Product Development


Fundraising Needs

Path to $550,000
$201,601 36.6%

To fund the work outlined above, ThinkerAnalytix aims to raise $550,000 from donors and family foundations. 

It is critical that the majority of fundraising occurs in late 2022 and Q1 2023 to develop and market products ahead of the 2023-2024 academic year. 

Board member contributions set the standard for foundations and other donors. We are aiming for 100% participation from our board in 2022 and 2023.