End the Gun Epidemic

Here’s another example of how mapping arguments can help us talk about a really controversial issue. “End the Gun Epidemic in America” was published on on the front page of the New York Times, 12/5/2015. It was the first time an editorial appeared on the front page since 1920. Given recent national events, this conversation is […]
Liberal Intolerance?

Here’s an argument map of Nicholas Kristof’s “A Confession of Liberal Intolerance“, from the New York Times. How accurate is my reconstruction of his argument? How charitable is it? How about Kristof’s argument itself–is it strong? Why or why not? Do you agree with his claims? Is his evidence relevant and sufficient?
God is a Question

Here’s an argument map of philosopher William Irwin’s “God is a Question, Not an Answer” from The Stone (a New York Times opinion forum). Once again, visualizing arguments helps us talk intelligently about a difficult issue! How accurate is my reconstruction of his argument? How charitable is it? How about Irwin’s argument itself–is it strong? Why […]