Mapping Research

Argument Mapping Research

A growing body of research shows that practice with argument mapping significantly improves analytical reasoning skills. In fact, meta-analyses find that argument mapping courses yield nearly double the gains of standard critical thinking courses, and 5 or 6 times the gains of a standard semester at college.
Why is argument mapping so effective? Researchers cite many factors, including:
“The conclusion we can safely draw from these numbers is that the “value add” of AM-based CT instruction, relative to just being at college, is around 0.6 (or 0.7 for high-intensity AM), which is somewhere between a medium and a large effect size. Or, put another way, AM-based CT instruction yields many times the gain in CT skills over one semester than is normally achieved by just being at college.” Read More
“Argument-mapping-based critical thinking classes are much more effective (an average student improvement of roughly 0.75 standard deviation (SD) per semester) than regular critical thinking classes (roughly 0.35 SD per semester) which, in turn, are much more effective than undergraduate studies (roughly 0.15 SD per semester).” Read More
“Partisan antipathy is rife among both Democrats and Republicans… Communicating political arguments using prose may contribute to this damaging political polarization. [Participants] in the Visual Map condition saw their opponents as less morally evil than did [control group] in the Prose condition.” Read More
“We found that Seminar students improved substantially more on LSAT Logical Reasoning test forms than Control students (d = .71, p < .001), suggesting that learning how to visualize arguments in the seminar led to large generalized improvements in students’ analytical reasoning skills. Moreover, blind scoring of final essays from Seminar students and Control students, drawn from a parallel lecture course, revealed large differences in favor of seminar students (d = 0.87, p = .005). Seminar students understood the arguments better, and their essays were more accurate and effectively structured.Read More
“Argument maps help us organise and navigate complex information, they encourage us to clearly articulate our reasoning, and allow us to communicate this reasoning quickly and effectively…The process of mapping an argument, when practiced in the right manner, improves scores on standardised tests of critical thinking, and this improvement seems to transfer to situations in which one is not mapping.” Read More
“We determined that the students did develop the skills in which we were interested over the course of the semester. We also determined that the students who were taught argument diagramming gained significantly more than the students who were not. We conclude that learning how to construct argument diagrams significantly improves a student’s ability to analyze arguments.” Read More
“This included a total of 11 classes (272 students), which were divided into three groups: the argument map writing group, the concept map writing group, and the conventional argumentative writing group. The experimental results showed that the argumentative essays produced by the students in the argument map writing group were superior to those written by students in the other two groups.” Read More
“Online argument mapping provides benefits to teachers. In contrast to a lot of educational technology, the approach is fairly painless to roll out in a classroom, and argument mapping allows students to ‘engage in self-directed exploratory learning as they try out different argument structures to see what works best.’ … Some students show gains in critical thinking even after an hour of practice on an argument mapping tool.” Read More
“The experimental results from 373 sixth graders showed that the argument mapping method enhanced students’ argumentative essay reading comprehension ability compared with traditional and concept mapping approaches.” Read More
“It clarifies thinking, deepens reading comprehension, improves critical thinking, and improves written argumentation. It can promote an enquiring classroom. “…We are potentially looking at one of the most important innovations in learning, because LAMP (Lots of Argument Mapping Practice) can be used in many types of classroom…We need rigorous, sustained research if we are to realize these possibilities.” Read More
“Three large-scale experimental studies were conducted with the main results indicating that argument mapping (AM) can significantly facilitate memory performance beyond that of more traditional study methods and that the provision of AM-infused CT training can significantly enhance CT performance (Dwyer, 2011).” Read More
“This thesis presents a simplified digital argument mapping tool, developed in order to explore the feasibility of argument mapping for students in secondary school (aged 13-15)…The thesis has shown the argument mapping has potential for use in secondary school, and should be further studied.Read More
“We found a significant effect of the use of argument diagrams, and this effect was stable even when multiple plausible correlates were controlled for. These results suggest that natural⎯and relatively minor⎯modifications to standard first-year composition courses could provide substantial increases in student writing ability.Read More
“74 undergraduate psychology students were allocated to either an AM-infused CT e-learning course or a no instruction control group and were tested both before and after an 8-week intervention period on CT ability using the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment. Participation in the AM-infused CT course significantly enhanced overall CT ability and all CT sub-scale abilities from pre- to post-testing.” Read More
“In short, I think computer-based argument mapping is the key to Melbourne’s success, and that it should feature centrally in any critical thinking course.” Read More

“Critical thinking classes … are crucial to a democratic society: being able to distinguish persuasive arguments from nonpersuasive arguments, to evaluate claims critically and fairly, and to recognize forms of persuasion not grounded in reason…Given that, as van Gelder and others have shown, “one semester of instruction based on argument mapping can yield reasoning skill gains of the same magnitude as would normally be expected to occur over an entire undergraduate education,” and given the effectiveness of teaching mapping through the step-by-step method, it is not surprising that teaching in this way has reminded us of how thrilling it is, as instructors, to witness moments of learning, to see our students move from confusion and inability to confidence and fluency.”